Remove specific mails from postfix queue with jq

In this example, all emails whose sender is are deleted from the queue.

postqueue -j | jq -r ‘select(.sender == “”) | .queue_id’ | xargs -I {} postsuper -d {}

jq must be installed ( apt install jq )

for other filtering criteria

postqueue -j | jq

You can type and see the fields in the json output.

Change compression type for Plesk backups

As a new feature,Plesk picked up zstd compression method for backups.If you want to create backup files with classic method you can edit the panel.ini file in two way

1. Go to Extensions ->Install and activate panel editor extension and open the editor in my extensions section

Select the editor and add these;

compressionMethod = deflate

2.Login to shell.Open /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/panel.ini file with your favorite editor like nano or vi.Add theses line to the appropriate place

compressionMethod = deflate

Note.You may already see [pmm] section.In this case you just add compressionMethod = deflate

below the [pmm] section.

Install and activate quota on Linux

Install the quota tools on your server.(debian – ubuntu)

sudo apt install quota

Edit your fstab file under etc folder:

/dev/sda1 / ext4 usrquota,grpquota 0 0

and remount it to take effect immediately:

sudo mount -o remount / (or whereever you want to enable)

Enable quota.This command will create two files on file system like /aquota.user and / :

sudo quotacheck -ugm /

Activate the quota

sudo quotaon -v /




Mount remote ftp to your server

If you use debian or ubuntu,you should install the package first.

apt-get install curlftpfs

After the installation,create a folder where will you mount to.for example /mnt/rftp

sudo mkdir /mnt/rftp

curlftp’s format and its parameters are simple.for example,we have an ftp account like olriss and password: 123x4P at

in local server,mount remote ftp with using this command

curlftpfs olriss:123x4P@ /mnt/rftp/

curlftps is similar to nfs tools so you can review the mounted ftp area in your mounted drive check it with “mount -a” command.

after your work is finished,you can unmount it with similar way as nfs unmounting.You won’t need all parameters to unmount,You just unmount the folder like below,

umount /mnt/rftp


Plesk Cloudlinux LveManager Extension Error

You can manage hosting limits or reseller limits by using lve manager extension (module) inside the plesk hosting control panel.It is useful because you can set some limits to your hosting accounts by using plesk ui.But if you login to plesk with using HTTP,some errors will be occur.Therefore, you must login to plesk with https protocol to work with this extension properly

Related Error Message

Platform error.It seems your session expired.Please login into the platform.You will be redirected to login page.

Error.Bad forgery protection token

Increasing php-fpm limits

If you use php with fpm standalone (without any hosting automation tool like plesk or whm/cpanel) then you need some tweaks for your busy php coded websites.I think the best fpm methot ise “on demand”.The fpm pool can be used for a website or multiple websites.All you have to do is finding your pool configuration file which belongs to your website.

Your pool file should look like this below

You can increase pm_max_children. and pm.start_servers but probably increasing the “max_children” will enough for you.After the file is changed restart the fpm service.

; By default use ondemand spawning (this requires php-fpm >= 5.3.9)
pm = ondemand
pm.max_children = 5
pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s
; Following pm.* options are used only when ‘pm = dynamic’
pm.start_servers = 1
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 1


[php-fpm-pool-settings] pm.max_children = 100


Prevent your server from bad bot attacks

We need some iptables rules and a file that includes ip addresses.These addresses are belong to bad bots

I use a shell script that reads ip addresses one by one from afile and block it by using iptables.

Firstly,You have to create a file.for example under root folder and it’s name is bad_bot.txt

nano /root/bad_bot.txt.Write it ip addresses that you want to block into this file.You can use my own list bad_bot.txt file

If you want it run at every system boot,please write it in rc.local file.

iptables -F

for x in $(cat /root/bad_bot.txt)
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s $x –dport 80 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s $x –dport 443 -j DROP